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Losing weight in menopause

Menopause is a phase when many women experience changes in their bodies, including weight gain. This can be a frustrating process because it may seem like you are gaining weight despite a healthy diet and adequate exercise. The hormonal fluctuations that occur during menopause can affect your metabolism, fat storage and eating habits. Fortunately, there are ways to effectively lose weight during this period and keep your weight under control.

Why is losing weight more difficult during menopause?

During menopause, hormone levels change drastically. Estrogen levels drop, which directly affects metabolism. This means that your body burns fewer calories, even if you don’t change anything about your diet or exercise regimen. In addition, the body tends to store more fat, especially around the abdominal area. These factors make losing weight more difficult, but not impossible.

Afvallen in de overgang

What can you do about menopause kilos?

During menopause, it is often difficult to lose weight due to hormonal changes that affect your metabolism and fat storage. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help you lose weight effectively.

  • Eat consciously: Make sure your diet is rich in protein and fiber to feel satiated longer and maintain muscle mass. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks that cause your blood sugar to fluctuate.
  • Exercise regularly: Strength training helps you build muscle mass, which is important to support your metabolism. In addition, cardiovascular exercises, such as walking and cycling, can help burn calories.
  • Manage stress and sleep: Stress and insufficient sleep can lead to increased production of cortisol, which contributes to fat storage, especially around the abdomen. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can help lower your stress levels and improve sleep.

If these lifestyle changes are not enough, using medication may be an option to address your menopausal pounds.

Am I eligible for medical weight loss?

Appetite suppressant medication as an aid

Sometimes you find that adjustments in your diet and exercise are not enough to lose the extra pounds of menopause. In that case, appetite suppressants can be a support. Appetite suppressants help to reduce your sense of hunger, so you take in fewer calories without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

Appetite suppressants come in different forms, including tablets and injections. They work by enhancing the feeling of satiety or affecting the reward system in your brain, reducing your cravings for snacks and large meals.

Medische hulp bij afvallen

Losing weight with injections

Weight loss injections are an effective way to lose weight because they slow down digestion and make you feel full longer after eating. This helps to reduce calorie intake without being constantly hungry. Injections contain substances that mimic the natural hormone, which provides a faster feeling of satiety. Research shows that injections can lead to weight loss of 22% of body weight.

Lancing anxiety? Opt for tablets

If you suffer from lancing anxiety or prefer not to use injections, alternatives are also available in the form of tablets. Although weight loss tablets tend to be slightly less effective than injections, they still offer significant support in controlling your appetite and losing weight. Tablets often work by affecting the reward system in the brain, allowing you to have fewer cravings and better control your appetite. As a result, weight loss of up to 12% is possible.

Discover your options in a free consultation

At StopOverweight, you can schedule a free consultation. During this call, we will evaluate your situation and discuss the most effective strategies to reach your target weight.

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Afvallen met injecties Nicole

Frequently asked questions about losing weight during menopause

Why is losing weight more difficult during menopause?

Appetite suppressants are medications or supplements that help reduce your sense of hunger. They work by affecting your brain or digestion, keeping you full longer and less likely to eat.

What role does nutrition play in losing weight during menopause?

Nutrition is crucial. High-protein and high-fiber foods help you stay satiated longer and prevent fluctuations in your blood sugar. Adjusting your caloric intake may also be necessary because your body is burning fewer calories.

Does strength training help lose weight during menopause?

Although appetite suppressants can help you feel less hungry, they are most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and adequate exercise.

What can I do to reduce stress during the transition?

Stress management is important because stress increases the hormone cortisol, which can lead to additional fat storage, especially around the abdomen. Yoga, meditation and adequate sleep can help reduce stress.

How can appetite suppressants help during menopause?

Appetite suppressants reduce your sense of hunger, allowing you to take in fewer calories without feeling constantly hungry. They can be especially helpful when dietary adjustments and exercise are not enough.

How do injections for weight loss work?

Injections slow gastric emptying, keeping you full longer after eating. They contain substances that mimic the natural hormone, providing a faster feeling of satiety. Research shows that injections can lead to an average weight loss of 22%.

Are injections painful?

Injections are usually not painful and are administered with a thin needle, similar to insulin injections. Many people find the process easy and quickly get used to the routine.

What if I have puncture fear?

If you have puncture anxiety, you can opt for appetite-control tablets. Although tablets are slightly less effective than injections, they can still help control your appetite and enable weight loss of 12%.

StopOverweight treatments

What options are available?

€575 / month
6-month program

Average 8-12% weight loss

Medication treatment (tablets)

Consultation with a doctor

Intensive guidance

Medical check (blood test)

Treatment location near you

Sustainable results

Start your journey

€575 - 775 / month
6-month program

Weight loss up to 22%

Medication treatment (injection)

Consultation with a doctor

Intensive guidance

Medical check (blood test)

Coaching session with a dietitian

Sustainable results

Start your journey

€875 / month
6-month program
* Only in NH

Weight loss up to 22%

Medication treatment (injection)

Consultation with a doctor

Intensive guidance

Medical check (blood test)

Coaching session with a dietitian

At home service

Start your journey

Starting the weight loss program

To qualify for use of the weight loss drug, you begin by making an appointment at StopOverweight for a medical intake. Blood tests are a standard part of this. StopOverweight treatment is only prescribed if you are significantly overweight. Also, at the medical intake, your personal motivation for the treatment program will be important.

Make an appointment